To understand and to be understood, effective communication is essential

We would all agree and would give a rating that communication skill is the most important quality necessary for business leaders.

Business needs people with good communication skills. Everyone at every level needs communicational ability to sell what one has and buy what one needs.  Especially at higher levels of management, improved communication skills improve chances for success. How you communicate your ability and accomplishments to others is a reflection on the quality of your work.

But a question may arise as to why managers need to communicate. A manager has to deal with different kinds of people — on the production side, on the administration side and on the marketing side. A manager has to be alert while buying raw materials and machinery for production, avoid wastage during production and sell when and where the market is favourable.

Further, communication needs to be proper, because free-flowing communication serves several purposes imperative for the very survival of the organisation.

First, it provides a feed-back on the functioning of the entreprise, which is of great value in steering it along the right direction.

Second, it brings to light, and helps remove grievances and bottlenecks, and inculcates a sense of contentment and belonging.

Third, free communication can encourage the personnel to come up with creative and innovative ideas for the betterment of the entreprise.

Lastly, communication is the only means of bridging the yawning gulf that usually separates the lower-rung employees from the middle and the top management.

Be it an interview or a project involving several people, getting across the point effectively is what matters. Effective communication skills are the means to understand the opposite party’s mental map and channel our communication to match other’s mental perceptions.

Anyway, Not a New Concept

Communication ability is not a new concept. One who has an orderly refinement in speech that is remarkable and undelaying and one who speaks propitious words that are always heart-pleasing, is identified as an effective reciter (communicator).

The six qualities of a best reciter are:  1) Sweet voice 2)Enunciated syllables 3)Parting of words properly 4) Quick, and 5)Confident delivery and 6) Rythm.

Timing is important

Timing is equally important as the quality of your speech. When a manager communicates it must convey his emotions combined with the intellect. Because, employees under him need to understand that he not only means what he says, but practises it as well. Managers, should strive for unity of thought, word and deed in business.

An experience that i had gone through, is that one can communicate not only by words but through silence also. I wish to write more about using silence as a means of communication later in a different blog because though silence seems to be a very powerful communication tool, it remains a question whether the end results would be positive or destructive.

Quality control parameters

One should take care that there is no gap in communication. It must be crisp and clear. We agree that commuinication is the hallmark of good management. But what about quality control? If our communication has to be effective, we need to maintain a balance between its quantitative and qualitative aspects.

Austerity of speech consists in speaking words that are truthful, pleasing, beneficial and not agitating to others. It is gained by regularly trying to maintain :

  • Integrity at all times, under every type of stress, since fairness and equitableness are virtues of a good manager.
  • Maintain equanimity and do not get flattered by praise.
  • Be discreet in the choice of words, eliminating hurtful words.
  • Ducking and distorting truth will not give any rewards.
  • Listen to those who inform and advise (a good manager must be a good listener) with even unpleasant reality but squarely and truthfully.

Minding the mind (human mind like a silk worm)

Of all the faculties, the most restless, turbulent, powerful and obstinate is the mind. A deeper analysis of the need for change will involve understanding the internal forces which control the mind. We need mental health to face any problem life may pose.

Every one must decide what qualities of mind he needs and how he should go about developing them. Our mental model of the world should understand externalities and not function in some idealistic world which does not exist.

Nature is said to be the root of all material causes and effects, whereas the living entity — the material body — is the cause of various sufferings and enjoyments in the world. The living entity is responsible for its own acts.

Sense of reality is an inner feeling. It is the state of consciousness functioning through intellect or mind responsible for sense perception. Development of mental attitudes which  determine a person’s acts and temparaments, which affect determination and evaluation of truth, shall be a four step process. It involves:

  • Discrimination between real and unreal (universal scepticism). ……….(what stays forever and what not).
  • Aversion to enjoyment of fruits of one’s actions here and hereafter ………..(dispassion)
  • Acquisition of some important qualities : Calmness and tranquility, self-control, self-withdrawal, forebearance, faith and self-settledness.
  • Desire for freedom to make the mind flow from search to discovery of the real.
  • Soul, made up of consciousness, knowledge and bliss (joy) remaining aware (in the waking state, the dream state and the deep sleep states), makes everything within the body operate.

This is the truth. And yet, the utterly ignorant person mistakes the transient body for the soul, although he well knows that the body externally consists of bone, nerve, marrow, meat, blood,  fat, skin and the like, and internally full of faeces, urine, phlegm and bile-like substances.

What should motivate and guide an individual will be clear only when he/she undertakes a personal inquiry into the human potential and values. Life organised on the basis of decisions taken on such inquiry will be more satisfying. Often we drift through life because we do not know our inherent potential and the driving forces.

The mission and vision of an individual will depend on his/her knowledge and value-based understanding of the inherent qualities, a balancing of conflicting factors in making each choice and the effectiveness of steps taken to achieve the end objectives.

Like a silk worm

A person, though endowed with discrimination may, by his own actions, weave a web of thoughts and interests, This can perpetuate ignorance and may not allow him to acquire knowledge to get out of the web.

He then becomes just like a silk worm caught in the cocoon unable to get out of his environment and drifts through life without a clearly defined mission, claiming credit when something good takes place and rationalising the adverse results by blaming his fate or other adversaries.

Human-being — A witness

If we extend the rationale of the actors in the play who distinguish clearly their role in disguise from their body-soul relationships, we will understand that the body alone enjoys while the soul, associated with every human being, is just a witness only and is not involved in our bodily experiences.

Reduce stress through correct living

“Understanding one’s own nature and living intelligently with clues and aids that we get through  out life can go a long way in reducing modern-day stress.”


Stress in particularly a modern problem. A proper understanding of life will clear our minds and pave the way to get rid of stress once and for all.

Peaceful Co-existence

Lets define stress as the absence of peace. Peaceful coexistence is possible and essential. Stress is not actually caused by external factors alone. It is because of our own attitude. For example, consider a screen on which a movie is projected. The screen does not burn when there is a fire in the movie. The screen is unaffected by the events in the movie. Further, in fact there can be no movie without a screen.

Similarly, changes can only take place against an unchanging background. The cause of happiness and unhappiness is dependant on us, and not on external factors. An office-goer is piqued by the rain, but a farmer welcomes it. The participants must be guided by dispassion and enquiry. We have n control over events, but we certainly can control our response to them.

Vaulting mind

A pole-vaulter in action typifies the power of the mind. When questioned, how he cleared the bar at a great height, his answer was, ” I put the mind above the bar and then my body followed.”

Stress and Attitude

Stress is related to the attitude one has for events. We may not be able to change the external conditions but certainly we can change the internal conditioning through excercise, proper diet and relaxation. This helps in proper functioning of all organs under the intelligent control of mind.

Lets take this as an analogy of a car, maintaining the body-mind vehicle by proper fuel (food), lubrication (exercise), cooling down (sleep) and above all, taking care of the driver (mind).

Every second of our life we do breath and yet, we do many activities, we never pay attention to our breathing. Exercises reminds us to breath the correct way, which is the best way to avoid stress. With slow, steady and deep breathing the mind automatically becomes calm and our response to situations is without any negativity.

Self-evaluation, the key

It is important to do a self-evaluation of one’s nature based on few important factors. Recognising one’s own nature, one will know how to deal with oneself in combating stress.

It is not just being good; it lies in making a better world for themselves and others. How?

What is Management ?

Management is the employment of human, physical and financial resources to achieve organisational goals and managers are the people who conduct these processes. Management focuses on the result of team work rather than individual efforts. It is the job of a manager to co-ordinate the work of others and he is held accountable for their work.

Hence, a good manager must chide when required, pull up when it is needed and extend a helping hand when sought. The important thing in an organisation is its people. So, a good manager should ensure that his team mates put in their best efforts and are held accountable for their actions. If he overlooks his team’s mistakes and fails to correct, the performance of his team suffers and this has a negative effect on the company’ growth. So, it is not all that good for a manager to be nice. Because, that prevents employees from achieving what they are capable of doing.

Push them to Excel

He must push them to excel. Outstanding results of organisations depend on outstanding performance of employees. When a good manager extracts the best from his team mates, he is ensuring the growth of both his team mates and that of the organisation. It is because employees growth and welfare are linked to the growth/welfare of the organisation.

Who is a good Manager?

Anyone can learn the basic mechanics of becoming a manager. However, there is certain amount of misery in defining that extra dimension of skills and traits that elevates people to a status of ‘good managers’. What is it ?

1. Be interested in them: Often leaders and managers think that the workplace should revolve around them as they are at the top and people should be interested in what they do and think. It is wrong. As leaders/managers they need to be interested in the needs/wishes of people working with them. When you take time to get to know your people, it is communicated that you care.


2. Involving people in decision making : No matter how smart they think they are, managers certainly do not know everything. Many of the best ideas come from the people around them and managers should find ways for people to express their ideas and get rewared for their contributions if the idea works out.

“If people have enthusiatic ownership of an idea, their idea they will make it work, even if it is a bad idea. If not, they can torpedo even a good idea.”

3. Recognising people:  Recognising people for their contribution is one of the surest ways to secure employee loyalty. Further, recognition makes a person feel good and stimulates the desire to have it happen again. Recognition of efforts has a direct bearing on individual job performance.

“The rough marble already contains the statues. It is just a matter of extracting them.” — Michelangelo

So, there is already a fine employee in everyone. The good manager should help them chisel it.

4.  Integrity values :  A manager has to be seen by his supervisors and his employees as being honest and forthright. No one likes a sleazy character who cannot be trusted, especially when that person is in charge of the career of people.

A person without character cannot become ideal person, howver rich or erudite he may be. On the other hand, a man with charecter can achieve this status even without the other attributes.

“When you fight for values, first they ignore you, they they laugh at you, then they attack you. Then you win.” — Mahatma Gandhi

5) Be a good facilitator : A good manager must be within the reach to his team mates for any advice/suggestion, fixing a problem, etc. The mere feeling that there is someone to goad/guide/correct them is enough to spur them into action and give off their best.

Anger is the deadliest enemy of humans. He/she who withstands this impulse, is always happy.

“Anyone can become angry — that is so easy. But to become angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way — that is not within everybody’s power — that is not so easy.”  —- Aristotle.

Control of anger is a prime requisite for anyone, especially so for people in managerial positions. For, anger is a very strong human emotion. An angry person tends to become irrational and takes decisions with adverse long-term implications.

Organisations need to impart training in self-awareness through available validated behavioral techniques. A short-tempered ‘boss’ can put off his subordinates; he/she neither gets full details of failures nor receives any worthwhile suggestions.

One who is not disturbed in mind even amidst the three-fold miseries or elated when there is happiness, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is said to be the one with steady mind. Therefore, anger is only our attachment for an object, expressed that has come between us and the object of our desire.

Evils of anger

Anger appears to be more powerful than desire. Livid with anger, in recent times, Jessica Lall (a bar tender) was murdered by an infuriated customer when she refused to serve him a drink after the scheduled hour. Boxer Mike Tyson bit off his opponent’s ear when he felt he was losing the bout.

Anger is a momentary madness; so control your passion or it will control you. — Horace

One who succumbs to anger does not know what one does in that mood. An angry man would perpetrate any sin. Further, an agitated person does not even know which are appropriate words and which are forbidden words. He never realises what to say and what not to say.

A man normally makes two types of mistakes — self-praise and abuse of others. To abuse others is even worse than killing them.

Most of us lack patience. Road rage is a common and frequent occurence. One driver gets impatient with the one ahead of him or her for not giving way, and starts honking the horn incessantly. The irritated driver of the vehicle in front deliberately avoids giving room to overtake.

Soon there is a dangerous game of speeding, swerving, and stopping, which often ends in accidents or damages. People do not realise that it is better to be patient on the road than to be patients in the hospital. Patience is a great quality. A person with patience is respected everywhere.

Impatience is the result of one not being happy with what is. We are unhappy because we are either fixated over the future or hooked to the past. If one is totally in the present, one can never be unhappy. Unhappiness comes when our mind compares what is to what should be.

Is anger necessary?

Anger is a natural response to threats. However, we use anger when we “think” we are being attacked, without really taking time to evaluate if we need to feel angry or if we are simply experiencing another emotion such as fear and surprise. If you are in a dangerous situation, anger could save your life. However, if you use anger to handle every situation, it could ruin you.

Dealing with anger

Three different techniques are used to deal with anger — Expressing, Suppressing and calming.

Anger is expressly visible when a provocation triggers visible retaliation. It is seen to be suppressed when a subject does not permit his feelings to be overtly seen. Thus, a person, though seething with indignation, prefers to suffer silently or takes to brooding. Attempting to calm a triggering or triggered temper by a strategy involving exercises, breathing and meditation is perhaps the best means of controlling temper.

A leader with a steady mind is bestowed with patience, listens to subordinates, higher-ups and critics without ego, seeks all the information, evaluates all the options carefully and in consultation with the stakeholders and comes to effective decisions.

Just as a serpent casts off its slough, whoever casts aside an intense anger suddenly arising in him, by virtue of his endurance, he verily is said to be an excellent man. He who has given up ego is loved by everyone. He who has given up anger ceases to regret. He who has given up desires accomplishes everything. He who has given up greed becomes happy.

Management of mind is more important than management of body

“Truth constitute the very foundation for the culture of Humans”.

Righteousness is based on Truth. If Righteousness collapses, the universe will collapse. If the universe collapses, righteousness may collapse but the foundation, that is Truth, remains in tact. However, if the Truth collapse, both Righteousness, and the universe will collapse. Hence, every human should strive to protect truth, for both righteousness and the universe are based upon truth.

Of all the 7Ms that are considered as levers of performance improvement — Man, machine, method, management, money, measures and motivation… Men are the most important factor, as it is they who determine the effective utilisation of the remaining 6 Ms. The three aspects that govern all employees of an organisation at all levels of management and all departments are : Capacity, training and Protection. The organisation that has these three in perfect order is not likely to confront any formidable problems.

Humans in general and managers in particular have to be guided by the directives of Truth. Acceptance of truth teaches one humility and obedience. It also enjoins the quality of steadfastness. This means that whatever difficulties one may encounter, one should fulfil one’s duty with fortitude and forbearance. Truth also teaches us propriety. This tells us how to conduct oneself with any person, how to behave towards elders and supervisors, how to treat guest, how to accept truth and what is the right behaviour in any situation.

Shall we make an attempt to redefine the above values in terms of modern conditions for management of one’s own life, or business or industry which would render them eminent applicable today.

Every person has to manage. Everyday situations arise that require managerial skills. Management is involved everywhere, whether one occupies a managerial position or not and everyone is indeed a manager. Management is two-fold, of self and of situations. Let us look at both.

Personal management

For managing others it is necessary that the person first manages himself. That is, personal management comes before personnel management. For managing oneself, one must have the capacity to remain free from internalising the situation. If one’s actions cause problems to others then one is responsible for it.

  1. Anger management: Sometimes we have a notion that we must become angry in order to manage. Such thinking is wrong. A man who looses his temper loses his power of judgement as well. He is insensible to right and wrong. One subject to anger is also subject to flattery. You have no opinion about yourself when you get angry. Then, you can easily be flattered. So one must recognise that anger is a bad management strategy and does not pay. To manage one’s anger is personal management.
  2. Self-esteem: It is one thing to consider what others think about us, but a weakness if we take the opinion of the others as a basis of our judgement about ourselves. Your value has nothing to do with what others think of you. You are worth as much as you think of yourself as a person. You can manage things if you think you are somebody. If you think you are nobody it is unfortunate. Every person in a managerial position should discover self-worth because, the way to manage people is by gaining their respect.
  3. Concern for people: One must care for the persons whom he wants to manage. They are more than machines and work for you as they do not have an opportunity to do something better. You have to think how to win over the people.

What is it that wins over the person who is working for you? It is care — not merely an economic consideration. It comes from an individual. Management certainly involves a number of things. But the most important is the benign care you are, your self-esteem, care for people etc. One must manage oneself by managing his anger, frustation and by being prayerful.

Personnel management

  1. Leading from the front: Whatever a leader does, other people do. Whatever he upholds as authority, an ordinary person follows that.  If you are occupying a managerial position you cannot afford to be lackadaisical. You cannot be loose in your value structure. A leader is one who is looked up to by others. He is supposed to know, supposed to lead.
  2. Enjoy what you do: If you enjoy what you do, others around you also enjoy your pleasure. If you are dissatisfied with yourself, you can never manage anybody.
  3. Respect for work: We should see sanctity in everything we manage. There is no such thing as superior or inferior in work or duty. Each job/work is as sacred as any other. It is not what you do that makes the action great, but the attitude with which you do it. Everyone who is supposed to manage people must understand this very well.
  4. Avoid creating complex: People require recognition that they are people. If you recognise them as persons, you discover a relationship. This is why managing people is called, “personnel management”. If one can talk to a person without creating in him a complex that “I am talking to my boss”, he is a great personnel manager. Money cannot buy a human being and if a person is able to understand you, he gets satisfied. So make them feel that they are understood.

Situational Management

  1. Clarity in setting goals: As a manager responsible for the success of organisation and successfully managing the people, one has to be clear about the goals. If the manager himself is not clear about goals, he cannot make his people understand their role and responsibilities.
  2. Prioritising goals: As all of us are aware, we have limited resources and unlimited ends to achieve. So conflicts will arise. Further, one feels dissppointed if he is not able to meet all his targets. But one has to be aware of the pragmatic and logistic considerations in such situations and accept the constraints as beyond one’s control. Then only one can objectively proiritise one’s goals according to availabilty of time, resources, manpower and so on.
  3. Takecare of the immediate: When you begin a task, you only require to know the first few steps because ou have no control over what is in store. One has to keep in mind that any project well conceived can be accomplished if adequate effort is made. Therefore, one should concern oneself with immediate goals and plans without getting bogged down by the scale of the object. If one confines oneself to what is to be done now, he maintains a positive attitude. On the other hand, if one starts worrying about the enormity of the work he becomes pessimistic and does not even start.



Realisation of truth deals with certain fundemental problems and is an enquiry wherein one discovers that the real meaning of the word “I” is the Self which remains unchanged from childhood to old age and which is free from any sense of limitation.  To appreciate yourself as that limitless whole universe, you require a mind that is prepared to assimilate that knowledge.


Accomodating Others

To gain such a mind means to develop certain values and attitude and to be clear about them. Accomodating others is one such value and in fact anger is due to lack of accomodation. Realisation and acceptance of truth gives us a plan to make ourselves mature and strong so that we grow to our full stature.

All human beings are endowed with power to think/know, the willing power/desire and the power to do/make/mend. When someone is endowed with a power to think, to know, that power should not turn against them. To realise truth, One needs to look at oneself, as a person who wields these powers, who is free from tyrannies. One can be free only when one changes the focus to himself, a Self which is more than thinking/willing/wishing and doing.

Desire is not a problem but managment of desire is a problem. We all have the required energy and enthusiasm, power to act, to accomplish our wills and desires. While doing so, the emphasis must be on responsibilities and not rights and when everyone discharges his responsibilities the rights of every person is gauranteed.

Forward March

When it is dark around me, I do not curse the darkness. I just light my candle.

There is no use in vain regret,
In hot remorse or bitter tears.
There is no sense in looking back
To stir memories and the tears.
What you have done then you have done
And all your tears will not wash it out.
You cannot make a forward step
Burdened by fear or chained by doubt.

There is no courage in the weak,
No strength in that regretting mood.
Wise men go forward though they faint,
And only weaklings sit and brood.
What you have been, too, you have been.
What you are to be is up to you.
So, get up, dust yourself and work.
Forget it all and carry through.

Notes on Values and Human Capital

The need of the hour is skill and value-based education.

“So long as millions live in hunger and ignorance, I hold everyone a traitor, who, having being educated at their expense, pays not the least to heed them. ” —  ——–quote Swami Vivekananda

This issue has become relevant in the light of recent global economic crisis and fall from grace of capitalistic image. The ugly side of capitalism under which, in the quest for short-term gains wrong doings are overlooked. As a result people have lost trust in corporate performance and those involved in it. If we look at the situation over the last one and half years, we see that CEOs and accountants have become depised breed, less truusted even than politicians and journalists.

Further more, many who were involved in many scandals were highly educated men.

‘All for each and, Each for all’

Earning of profit is no doubt, the main aim of any business. But if they are earned with principles they enrich people’s lives. While profit motive, no doubt provides the main spark for any economic activity any entreprise which is not motivated by consideration of urgent service to the community becomes outdated soon and cannot fulfill its real role in modern society.

What sort of education ?

When we talk of investing in education, a question arises as to what kind of education needs to be given to the youngsters. Our aim is to evolve not only an affluent society, but an egalitarian, just, humane and compassionate society. For that we need people who possess not only high skills but high values as well.

This becomes clear from the follwing anecdote : The disastrous consequences of  nuclear missile technology transfer into countries like Pakistan ……………..Did anybody thought about it when India developed the same technology on its own in the name of self-defence? Did we thought about it before that jihadists or terrorists being a “high skills – low values” people, could create concerns against even self-defence mechanisms?

In general, in every walk of life, there are similar anecdotes. Because even high valued people at times of different forms of crisis loose their balance and fall into disgrace, causing havoke to their own and others life in the planet.

So the need of the hour is not only skill-based education but also value inspired/based education. We can find the answer for the present sickness through the all-round development of a society and this is achieved through betterment of the individual. All individuals must be sensitised to the abject poverty., and made to think in terms of what is our duty towards alleviating the infirmities that afflict our fellow human beings.

Such a life of ours needs three abilities.

  1. ability to control ourselves
  2. ability to give to others
  3. ability to be compassionate

These three collectively constitute ‘development conscience’. Building up such conscience among all sections of population will go a long way towards

  • sustainable economic growth
  • shared growth process
  • and improved quality of life


Human capital needs to be developed and nurtured carefully. A given amount of capital will be more productive with an educated population. Hence investment in education is necessary. But we must ensure its is the right kind of education.

It is time to introspect whether what is being achieved might not be undone by human greed as God will not ask you what your highest salary was; but One might ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.

“Efficiency without nobility is worse than useless. It is positively destructive.”

What is unique about HR?

Human resource has the ability to learn, distinguish between good and bad and lead one’s life the way one likes. While other resources are inanimate and can be controlled, human resource, gives its ability to think, reason out and add value by optimally combining and utilising other resources, needs to be handled carefully. It is the sum total of the knowledge and competence of an organisation, which is termed as intellectual capital, that gives the organisation an edge over others.

Need to invest in HR

Given such importance to human capital, as a natural corollary, we need to invest in it.

The next question is : “Investment in education? Yes, but what sort of education?”

We all have to think about this, from very early on in our lifetime, for us, for our children, for our employees, for our society, for our community…..

It is clear that the content of education is as important as the emphasis on the form of education.

Blog work in Progress………….coming back soon……..